Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

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What should I do for better sleep?

What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Sleep is a great gift of God. If you are blessed with a quality sleep you are gifted, if you are insomniac or facing sleep problems then this article is for you. It will help you quiet a lot for having a quality sleep. Here are ten suggestions to have a quality sleep. Go through each and every point and try these for better sleep. I bet these tips will change your whole life experience of sleep. You will definitely have a better sleep after applying these tips in your life. You have to try these to believe they work or not.

    1.   Use sleep mask: The sleep mask is one of the best inventions of mankind's history. It is best for quiet and calm sleeping. It is a useful product and very helpful for better sleep. it improves sleep quality. If you are sharing room with a partner then it is the must have product. If you are not sharing your room then also you will must have one because family members usually roam around here and there and they usually find something interesting to search at night times. So, it is good to have a sleep mask to put on eyes and have a quality sleep. Enjoy better sleeping experience without any disturbance. You can find best sleep masks here: Cartoon eye mask, plush anime sleep mask, Silk eye mask.

2.   Night dress: Wear a comfortable night dress when you are sleeping. It is quit helpful. It should not have any hard materials or design. It should be simple and comfy. It should not have any smells. It must be clean and washed on regular basis. You should wear a night dress when you are ready to jump on the bed to sleep. if you are working in kitchen or somewhere in house, finish that first and then change to the night dress. The night dress is a must have product and should be used at bed time. It is comfortable and useful for better sleep. It does not create any itchiness to skin and it is super soft. You can find some interesting and super comfortable night dresses here: high grade night dress, winter fleece couple night dress, night gown, autumn pajama night dress.

    3.   A glass of hot milk: If you are feeling insomniac then you should try drinking a glass of hot milk at night, it will work like a magic. It is a quick remedy for quality and better sleep. it works like an instant medicine. You should try it at night. Take milk as hot as you can bear. Do not try the boiling hot milk. It should be on a medium level. Try milk plain; do not add sugar or anything else. Otherwise the remedy won’t work. The hot milk itself is very powerful and taste good. You will not need anything extra with the milk. So, try drinking it plain and enjoy the better sleep.

4.   Mattress: Your mattress or couch where you sleep should be very comfortable and easy to handle. It should be hard. Comfortable and hard are both the qualities which are important for better sleep. In older ages people used to sleep on ground. And they usually had good sleep and have no issues of back pains. Nowadays we have softer mattress and these mattresses are the root causes of back pains and backbones aches. Try having a hard mattress and comfortable mattress. Try to clean mattress and change its side every month. Here are some recommended mattresses: 5D Latex mattress, rebound foam mattress.

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    5.   Toes massage: If you are still unable to sleep then try having a toe massage. A toe massage is a Sunnat way to our beloved holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He told us to massage toes with mustard oil. Massage the toes and let the magic happens in just seconds. It will boost the digestive system immediately and it will give you lots of peace. It will release your anxiety and you will be amazed with the health benefits of mustard oil massage. You can do it every night before you go to bed. Just take a few drops of mustard oil and massage your toes. And have a quality sleep.

6.   Change the pillow: If your pillow is too low or too high then you must be struggling with the quality of your sleep. So if you want to sleep better you must have a nice heighted pillow according to your need. The pillow cover should be clean and made up of a comfortable fabric. The pillow must be filled with soft wool or some stuffing. The pillow should be adjustable height so that if you feel it’s too high you can lower it and if you feel it is too low you can high it. The pillow’s height is directly proportional to the neck aches. So, if you want to have neck ache free you should take care of your pillow height.

    7.   A busy lifestyle: A busy lifestyle can lead to tiredness and fatigue in body and that can help you sleep well. But you have to manage time accordingly and you must give 8 hours rest to your body from your busy schedule. The busy lifestyle is always good and you do not get time for bad things and you feel tiredness and fatigue and then you sleep immediately without a delay of a second or two. But the sleep must be taken properly so that you can feel fresh next day otherwise you will feel ache in body and will not be able to manage busy schedules of next day properly.

8.   Change eating habits: If you are struggling with your sleep quality. You should take a look on your diet chart. You must change your eating habits. Avoid taking heavy meals at night. Eat a healthy and heavy breakfast. Eat less in lunch and then eat a light dinner with light meals. Do not consume meats at night. If you eat heavy meals in dinners then your stomach will be busy digesting and it can cause stomach aches and the sleep quality will be compromised. So, it is good to have a light dinner and avoid eating anything 30 minutes before bed. This will help you a lot. Do not eat junk food at any time. Avoid junk at any cost. Eat healthy homemade food. It is neat and clean and super hygienic. It has better quality and health benefits.

9.   Atmosphere: Try to have a look at your room’s atmosphere. Try to make it calm and clean. Make necessary changes. Do not put so many things in one room. It will make room congested. Try to opt a minimal lifestyle. Make your clean tidy and clean. Use curtains of lighter shade. Change bed sheets and pillow covers often. If you have mosquito problem then use a good quality mosquito repellent. Try to have a passage of fresh air in your room.

10.   Exercise: Exercising can burn the extra calories and lower the fat content. It can make you fit and healthy. Try to get healthy and fit by doing some exercises. Make a routine of a workout session. Show some love to your body. It needs your attention and time too. Exercise is as important as eating healthy food and taking breathe.  Exercise will improve your hormone quality and it will definitely have a better impact on your sleep quality.

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Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

 Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and best Health and Fitness Tips


Is Fitness Over 40 Easy?


Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

        Fitness over 40 is as simple and as easy as fitness UNDER 40. However, people over 40 do have some things to consider before they leap into any old fitness program. Here is an overall review of the benefits of fitness over 40 as well as some suggestions on points to consider before beginning any fitness program.

        Fitness over 40? Heck, all around the globe, people in their 80's are skiing, hiking, canoeing, biking. Some are black belts in Karate, and some quietly and calmly practice yoga or tai-chi.


Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
   As easy as this sounds, fitness over 40 requires regular performance of the proper exercises. Just as in our 30's or 40's, sitting in the easy chair, clicking the remote, doing 16 ounce curls just doesn't cut it. However, it is not necessary to pack up and head for the gym and try to keep up with the hard body cuties, either. It IS necessary to pick an exercise program or physical activity, combine that with some healthy eating habits...AND STICK TO IT!

        Even over 40, the benefits normally associated with a regular, moderate exercise program will kick in, but for seniors, some benefits are of special importance.

People over 40 tend to break bones, usually from falling.

        As we age, bones weaken, as do muscles. We lose some of our proprioception, the perception of stimuli relating to a person's own position, posture, equilibrium, or internal condition. Our ability to react quickly to a loss of balance, whatever the source or to avoid an obstacle or actual peril becomes diminished.


Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
  Exercise helps bones stay strong and exercises such as weightlifting and other resistance training help your body maintain balance and stability. Weight bearing and resistance exercises assist the body in maintaining proprioception by improving the connections and conditions of the muscles and their anchoring in bone. This training also triggers the reconditioning of the signaling system from body to brain which allows the brain to realize the danger and transmit the appropriate signals to muscles which can react to correct the situation. Weightlifting and resistance exercises can help give your muscles the strength and agility to respond to those signals if you are tripped, off balance, or in other peril requiring quick reaction.

        People over 40 begin to lose their zest for living and experience more health crises.


Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
Part of this is due to normal changes that take place as we grow older. Our bodies get thicker and lose the gracefulness of youth. Things seem to become heavier and harder to move, and we begin to feel aches and pains that often accompany aging. Some of those aches and pains may be due to arthritis, and other ills may also attack us as we seem to become prey to every passing cold or other social ailment, and also see some deadlier or more debilitating conditions crop up in our age group, if not in ourselves.

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        Regular exercise comes to the rescue here as well. It can help with weight loss, or it can help with weight management once we get to our appropriate weight. Regular, moderate exercise can keep joints supple, in many cases even joints under attack by arthritis. I know about this as I have been afflicted with fairly severe osteoarthritis for several years and manage to keep myself active and the condition somewhat under control by my own exercise activities. Exercise also strengthens the immune system, which helps us avoid or fight off the normal bacterial and viral infections which seem to come our way and which often seem to wreak havoc on the older population.

        Even better; regular, moderate exercise seems to be somewhat effective in helping ward off such common companions of aging as high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.

What exercise program is beneficial for fitness over 40?

        In the first analysis, almost any physical activity which gets your heart rate up makes you breathe more deeply than normal, and which challenges muscles beyond their normal range of activity are going to be on the list. There are people in their 80's hiking mountain trails, water skiing, playing softball, weightlifting (as pointed out earlier), or even cheerleading. It is NOT necessary to take out a membership in a local gym, hire a personal trainer, or invest in a lot of exercise equipment and apparel...unless that helps get you motivated. Anything from walking, to swimming, to yoga, to weightlifting will generally fill the bill. There are, however, some simple points to think about.

Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
1. Get your doctor's approval first. "Nuff said?

2. Pick an activity, or even a group of activities, which you will enjoy doing. Don't be afraid to try something new...take some classes in yoga, tai chi, or even karate. Maybe you will feel better in a certain amount of solitude and just want to pick up a set of weights and exercise in the privacy of your home. Perhaps the idea of biking around the neighborhood or even around other parts of the country appeals to you. If this is a new set of decisions, realize that you may try a few things at first that just don't pan out for one reason or another. Keep experimenting until you find what is right for you. You are STILL exercising, right?

3. Put some variation into your exercise. Any exercise cannot itself provide the three basic types of exercise needed. We need exercises which will stretch muscles and joints, exercises which strengthen muscle, and exercises which improve our cardiovascular fitness. This is not really hard to do, however, and should not take a lot of time out of your life, particularly when you consider how much it will put back into your life. As one example, you could do a simple weight or resistance training for strength two or three times a week, some sort of low-impact aerobics or walking for cardio on other days, and do some simple stretching exercises every day. None of these workout periods needs to be more than about 30 minutes, although a little more time and effort may produce better benefits, particularly once you have trained up to a level where your body is comfortable meeting the demands you place on it.

You are more likely to stay on a physical fitness regimen if you enjoy it. However, things do tend to get stale over time. It doesn't hurt to vary your approach from time to time in either the manner in which you do certain exercises, or by varying the exercises themselves. While not exact equals, for example, swimming, biking, and walking can be somewhat interchangeable as part of your fitness routine. In some cases, simply varying the environment, i.e. taking a walk in the park or botanical gardens as opposed your neighborhood may be all the variation you need to feel like you have put a little zing into your day-to-day workout existence.

Is Fitness Over 40 Easy? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
4. Start off easy. At any age, a common reason for failure to stay on ANY exercise program is that people tend to try to do too much at first and try to progress too fast. Whatever you choose, your body needs time to adjust to the new demands being made on it, and results will never come overnight.

5. Don't stop. Probably the most important aspect of any exercise program, or any other self-improvement program, is the commitment to what you know you should be doing day after day. A haphazard approach to your exercise program is detrimental at any stage in your life. After 40, however, making sure you get your regular dose of anti-aging exercise is incredibly important.

6. Eat healthy. I try to avoid the use of the word "diet", and often substitute the term "healthy eating" instead. Diets don't work and can even work against you. They are difficult to stay on and take a major portion of fun out of life instead of making life better. Healthy eating choices will do the trick if you make them a regular part of your life.

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

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10 Biggest Fitness Myths

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
Fitness Myth #1-You become fat as you age: Myth number one is you become fat as you age but this is just a myth and it is not based on reality. The main reason is you do not remain as active as you were in past few years when you act like as a young man or woman. Your diet plans change as you age. Your whole body system changes as you age. Your health and fitness issues are more drastic once you get slow and inactive and careless from your health and you become more conscious about your grey hair. You can remain fit and healthy if you choose the right diet plans and be active.

    You can maintain your weight on a single number by just avoiding one single thing in your diet and that is junk food or outside food. You should always eat healthy and hygienic food and you should consider more and more homemade food. Homemade food is a top notch secret to not getting extra few pounds for years.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
2.     Fitness Myth #2-Women get masculine lifting weight:
It is myth number two that women’s body shape looks masculine if they lift weight or do heavy kind of exercises. But this is just a myth. If they lift a bearable lift they will feel more energized and they will feel their selves more light weight and easy going. They can feel elasticity returning to their bodies. A woman’s body does not work like a man’s body. Their body features can become sharper lifting the weight.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
3.    Fitness Myth #3-Train body abs in the last:
        Many people believe that you must train the abs last to avoid fatiguing the stabilizing muscles of the core. Although this sounds like a fair statement this has never been scientifically proven.

        If you think about which section of the body is the most important (the core) and what is most people biggest weakness of most people (the core) it does not make sense to train the core last when you’re already fatigued.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
4.    Fitness Myth #4-Fat loss with aerobics:
        The problem with aerobic training for fat loss is; It doesn’t burn many calories whilst performing the exercise and burns very little if any after. It causes the body to reduce its release of the fat burning hormones and enzymes.

        The body adapts by becoming more energy efficient, meaning your body has to work less to perform the same workout. Instead use interval training, you will burn far more calories and you will keep your metabolism revving for up to 24hrs after you finish training.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
5.    Fitness Myth #5-Bodybuilding programs for fat loss:
        Bodybuilding programs are for bodybuilders. Unless you are using drugs these programs will not work for you! It still amazes me how many people are still reading bodybuilding magazines, following their programs using “body-part splits” and “blitzing muscles”.

        The people writing most of these articles are not even bodybuilders, they’re marketers from the supplement companies trying to deceive you, what looks like an article is probably an ad, look closer!

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10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
6.    Fitness Myth #6 - Stop exercising & your muscles turn to fat:
        I don’t know where this comes from but when you really think about it, it’s ridiculous. Muscle is working tissue which is designed to move your body around, fat is stored energy; it’s as simple as that.
        The reason people put on fat when they stop training is because the loss of muscle tissue will cause a drop in metabolism, and if your still consuming the same amount of calories where else are the calories meant to go?

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
7.    Fitness Myth #7 - You can out-train a poor diet:
        No matter how hard you train if your diet is poor, you will not see the results your training for. With the right nutrition you will be able to fuel your workouts far more effectively giving you a greater return in results.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
8.    Fitness Myth #8 – Spot reducing.
        Spot reducing basically means targeting a specific body part with an exercise to reduce fat in those areas. Unfortunately the body doesn’t work this way, when you begin to lose weight you are unable to determine which area your body will lose fat. For example doing lots of sit-ups will not reduce fat around the mid-section, it will only strengthen and tone the abs.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
9.    Fitness Myth #9-More is better:
        Too much of a good thing can be detrimental to your training. If you’re training; too frequently for too long without enough rest this will lead to overtraining. Overtraining can lead to sickness, depression and injury.
10. Fitness Myth #10-High reps cut:

        There is no such thing as a “cutting phase”. If you progressively lift heavier weights your muscles will grow, if you lift the same size weight as your previous workout your muscles will stay the same size, if you lift less weight than your previous workouts your muscles will get smaller.

10 Biggest Fitness Myths || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips
The only thing that determines whether you get the “cut” look is the size of your muscles and how low your body fat percentage is.

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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Have a cup of tea, heal yourself || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

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Have a cup of tea, heal yourself || Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

    Tea has gained so much love over centuries in our Asian region. Tea has some great healing qualities. In Asia people take tea to heal headaches and body pain for centuries. My family drinks tea to release the fatigue. Different people use different kinds of teas according to their problems. Here I am sharing some proven and working healing teas that you can have when you are suffering from a bad day. So, have a cup of tea and heal yourself.

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Here I am sharing some of my favorites from my past experience.

Health and Fitness
1. Milk Tea: Milk tea is widely used in our region (Asia). It is damn easy to make and so much loved. You can enjoy it any time, any season. It is usually taken after the meal for better digestion. It is good for fever, headache, body pain, fatigue and yeah for bad mood also. It is usually served to guests in our region. It is consumed hot and sometimes accompanied with biscuits.
Take a pot, add half cup of water and half cup of milk, one teaspoon of tea leaves, one teaspoon of sugar(or according to taste). Give it a good boil and let it cook for two to three minutes more. Then strain, enjoy, and heal yourself.

Health and Fitness
2. Green Tea: It is commonly used for weight loss but people also consume it to help them digest heavy meals. It also helps in cough, flu, fever, chest problems, overeating, etc.
Take a pot, add a cup of water with some fresh lemongrass or dried lemongrass. Give it a good stir and then boil it for five to ten minutes with a lid on. Then strain and add two or three drops of lemon if you want to. Add honey as per choice and sip hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.

Health and Fitness
3. Lemon Tea: Lemon tea is also good for weight loss and digestion. Lemon tea soothe cold, cough, detoxification, bloating remedy.
Take a cup of hot water, add lemon juice and honey (as per choice). Stir well. Enjoy and heal yourself.

Health and Fitness
4. Masala Tea: Masala tea is a variety of traditional tea in the Asian region. It is an experimental version of tea and loved it so much. It fights inflammation, boosts the immune system, and of course helps in cough, fever, flu, cold, and digestion.
Take a pot; add cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, fennel seeds, a cup of milk, and tea leaves. Add sugar as per taste or choice. Let it simmer for five to ten minutes with a lid on. Serve hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.

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Health and Fitness

5. Ginger Tea: Ginger has great healing powers. It is not only good for health but it is also good for skin and hair. Ginseng is a type of ginger that is used to prepare some kind of shampoo for hair growth. Its strong smell is also used to heal headaches and coughs. Ginger tea is an energy booster and good for menstrual cramps and sore throat. It helps to lose weight and digestion.
Cut a piece of ginger into thin slices. Take a pot and add a cup of water and add ginger slices into it. Let it simmer on low flame for ten minutes at least. Sip hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.

Health and Fitness
6. Turmeric Tea: Turmeric is a powerful healing agent. Turmeric and milk are widely used worldwide to heal inner wounds. Turmeric is a doctor itself. It is so powerful and used for centuries to prepare medicines. Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, cleanses and detoxifies the body, helps in digestion, treats cough, flu, cold, and fever. It is also used to treat and beautify the skin.
Take a cup of hot water, add two teaspoons of turmeric powder. Stir well. Add honey or sugar as per choice. Add milk if you want to add. Sip hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.

Health and Fitness
7. Black Tea: Black tea is also good for weight loss. It is a good energy booster. It is in trend nowadays. It’s a fashion to follow a trend whether you like it or not.   
 Take a pot and add a cup of water. Add blacktea leaves and let them boil for few minutes. Strain and enjoy the tea and share on social media because it’s trending.

Health and Fitness

8. Matcha tea: The origin of Matcha tea is conflicted between China and Japan. Matchatea is good to burn belly fat. It boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body. It makes skin healthy and shiny.
Take a cup of hot water, add Matcha leaves and whisk into zigzag motion. Whisk until the tea becomes frothy. Serve hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.

Take a cup of hot water, add Matcha leaves and whisk into zigzag motion. Whisk until the tea becomes frothy. Serve hot. Enjoy and heal yourself.


    It is not a matter of which tea gains your trust and love but it is a fact that the sole purpose of tea is to digest the food you eat. If you digest your meal properly you will not face major health issues and you will not gain weight.

    It is rightly said that you can heal yourself with a cup of tea. Tea is not only a drink to take when you feel like having one. But it also includes nutritional facts.

    Here is a simple warning do not drink tea when you are starving. Tea kills hunger and you will not feel like eating food. And eventually, you will lack the proper nutrition. Tea is meant to digest food not to take the place of food. So, do not take tea while starving. Always take tea when you have eaten your meal and filled your stomach with all the required nutrition.  

    So enjoy a cup of your favorite tea and enjoy.

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What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

   Here you will find amazing  Health and Fitness Articles  and best  Health and Fitness Tips   What should I do for better sleep? Sle...