Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

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What should I do for better sleep?

What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Sleep is a great gift of God. If you are blessed with a quality sleep you are gifted, if you are insomniac or facing sleep problems then this article is for you. It will help you quiet a lot for having a quality sleep. Here are ten suggestions to have a quality sleep. Go through each and every point and try these for better sleep. I bet these tips will change your whole life experience of sleep. You will definitely have a better sleep after applying these tips in your life. You have to try these to believe they work or not.

    1.   Use sleep mask: The sleep mask is one of the best inventions of mankind's history. It is best for quiet and calm sleeping. It is a useful product and very helpful for better sleep. it improves sleep quality. If you are sharing room with a partner then it is the must have product. If you are not sharing your room then also you will must have one because family members usually roam around here and there and they usually find something interesting to search at night times. So, it is good to have a sleep mask to put on eyes and have a quality sleep. Enjoy better sleeping experience without any disturbance. You can find best sleep masks here: Cartoon eye mask, plush anime sleep mask, Silk eye mask.

2.   Night dress: Wear a comfortable night dress when you are sleeping. It is quit helpful. It should not have any hard materials or design. It should be simple and comfy. It should not have any smells. It must be clean and washed on regular basis. You should wear a night dress when you are ready to jump on the bed to sleep. if you are working in kitchen or somewhere in house, finish that first and then change to the night dress. The night dress is a must have product and should be used at bed time. It is comfortable and useful for better sleep. It does not create any itchiness to skin and it is super soft. You can find some interesting and super comfortable night dresses here: high grade night dress, winter fleece couple night dress, night gown, autumn pajama night dress.

    3.   A glass of hot milk: If you are feeling insomniac then you should try drinking a glass of hot milk at night, it will work like a magic. It is a quick remedy for quality and better sleep. it works like an instant medicine. You should try it at night. Take milk as hot as you can bear. Do not try the boiling hot milk. It should be on a medium level. Try milk plain; do not add sugar or anything else. Otherwise the remedy won’t work. The hot milk itself is very powerful and taste good. You will not need anything extra with the milk. So, try drinking it plain and enjoy the better sleep.

4.   Mattress: Your mattress or couch where you sleep should be very comfortable and easy to handle. It should be hard. Comfortable and hard are both the qualities which are important for better sleep. In older ages people used to sleep on ground. And they usually had good sleep and have no issues of back pains. Nowadays we have softer mattress and these mattresses are the root causes of back pains and backbones aches. Try having a hard mattress and comfortable mattress. Try to clean mattress and change its side every month. Here are some recommended mattresses: 5D Latex mattress, rebound foam mattress.

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    5.   Toes massage: If you are still unable to sleep then try having a toe massage. A toe massage is a Sunnat way to our beloved holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He told us to massage toes with mustard oil. Massage the toes and let the magic happens in just seconds. It will boost the digestive system immediately and it will give you lots of peace. It will release your anxiety and you will be amazed with the health benefits of mustard oil massage. You can do it every night before you go to bed. Just take a few drops of mustard oil and massage your toes. And have a quality sleep.

6.   Change the pillow: If your pillow is too low or too high then you must be struggling with the quality of your sleep. So if you want to sleep better you must have a nice heighted pillow according to your need. The pillow cover should be clean and made up of a comfortable fabric. The pillow must be filled with soft wool or some stuffing. The pillow should be adjustable height so that if you feel it’s too high you can lower it and if you feel it is too low you can high it. The pillow’s height is directly proportional to the neck aches. So, if you want to have neck ache free you should take care of your pillow height.

    7.   A busy lifestyle: A busy lifestyle can lead to tiredness and fatigue in body and that can help you sleep well. But you have to manage time accordingly and you must give 8 hours rest to your body from your busy schedule. The busy lifestyle is always good and you do not get time for bad things and you feel tiredness and fatigue and then you sleep immediately without a delay of a second or two. But the sleep must be taken properly so that you can feel fresh next day otherwise you will feel ache in body and will not be able to manage busy schedules of next day properly.

8.   Change eating habits: If you are struggling with your sleep quality. You should take a look on your diet chart. You must change your eating habits. Avoid taking heavy meals at night. Eat a healthy and heavy breakfast. Eat less in lunch and then eat a light dinner with light meals. Do not consume meats at night. If you eat heavy meals in dinners then your stomach will be busy digesting and it can cause stomach aches and the sleep quality will be compromised. So, it is good to have a light dinner and avoid eating anything 30 minutes before bed. This will help you a lot. Do not eat junk food at any time. Avoid junk at any cost. Eat healthy homemade food. It is neat and clean and super hygienic. It has better quality and health benefits.

9.   Atmosphere: Try to have a look at your room’s atmosphere. Try to make it calm and clean. Make necessary changes. Do not put so many things in one room. It will make room congested. Try to opt a minimal lifestyle. Make your clean tidy and clean. Use curtains of lighter shade. Change bed sheets and pillow covers often. If you have mosquito problem then use a good quality mosquito repellent. Try to have a passage of fresh air in your room.

10.   Exercise: Exercising can burn the extra calories and lower the fat content. It can make you fit and healthy. Try to get healthy and fit by doing some exercises. Make a routine of a workout session. Show some love to your body. It needs your attention and time too. Exercise is as important as eating healthy food and taking breathe.  Exercise will improve your hormone quality and it will definitely have a better impact on your sleep quality.

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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Our polluted mind set is killing us || Mental Health || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

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Our polluted mindset is killing us

Health and Fitness Mental Health

    We are taking breathe in a polluted environment. The environment is not only polluted by means of air, land and water. It is also polluted by means of our daily chores and the way of living we follow.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
The lifestyle is taking away our peace of mind and hence we have negative impact of everything we own. We have lavish houses with all the luxuries we can imagine. We have power to buy things once we used to dreamt for. We have cats to roam around without bothering about waiting for public transport. We are more independent as we used to be once in our lifetime.

But but but we lack inner satisfaction. We lack curiosity. We lack excitement. We lack happiness. We lack smiles. We lack loud tension free laughs and giggles. We lack the peace of mind. We lack in every important aspect of life and we think we have everything. 

I remember a time when I always stitch my dress on nights and happily wear it next morning. Now that joy has been vanished. Basically it is the mind set and lifestyle we are following is really polluted and it is killing us each and every second. When number of brands was lesser we used to feel rich nowadays everyone wears a brand and field poor while purchasing from sale. Nowadays its a luxury to buy without sale. 

Health and Fitness Mental Health
The food we eat is no more associated with hunger. It is associated with Instagram and Facebook likes. The Biryani was a shahi dish in our childhood and only special occasions and weekends can be considered to cook biryani. But now you can find multiple restaurant and shops for biryani selling without taste and without occasion and it has killed the joy if eating. Every meal should be associated with a joyful moment but you can find anything anytime nowadays. I remember clearly for cold drinks we had to wait for someone's wedding ceremony to take place or for Eid day because we can only afford cold drinks on special occasions.
We have definitely created out own spaces with multiple disorders. We don't get health because our mind set is polluted. Get healthy mind and clean it first. Spend time with family, cook at home, feel comfortable, don't hesitate to convey your message, don't put anything in your heart, do small things to come closer to family.

    Family is happiness. Family is love. Family can conquer any war fought together with love and compassion. The family is your tool to get positive vibes and clean your polluted mind set. Have faith and pray. God bless you Amen.

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Monday, August 30, 2021

The Simplest Solution for depression|| Mental Health || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

 The Simplest Solution for depression


Health and Fitness Mental Health

    It is hard to smile when you lack inner peace. It is hard to talk when you feel lonely. It's hard to believe that you belong to the world when you have no one to trust. The restless nights and nights with nightmares realized us we are not normal and we do not belong to this world. we should go away and run away from this world. All this kind of hatred and negativity comes to our mind when we are depressed so much.


Health and Fitness Mental Health
  Depression let you feel like you are trapped in so much pain. The pain is just unbearable and you are unable to take breathe. You can not feel the fresh air, you cannot walk properly. You are unable to sleep and smile. You are even unable to talk properly. You fear people. You do not want to face the world. 

Health and Fitness Mental Health

    Depression has become a very big problem in society nowadays. It has a severe negative impact on one’s life. People cannot take it and cannot fight with it alone. They feel pressured by family, friends, relatives, and all the society to fight depression, which they can do, but that is impossible without help. Yes, you read right absolutely right without help no one can fight back with depression. It’s a severe disease and you cannot fight alone. You must have an army to fight back.

    The army to fight depression must cover every relation you own. It should include your family, relatives, friends, colleagues, and society members as well. They all should fight with you and don’t feel you let down and thrown alone.

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Health and Fitness Mental Health

    First, you have to find out the person who is diagnosed with depression. Next, you all have to understand that it is just a disease and nothing else. It is only a mental illness and it can be cured. You have to make believe the depressed person that he or she can be normal like any other person. And they can also live a healthy and happy life. Everything can be normalized and they can get back to life.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
    First, you have to spend time with the depressed person. Then you have to listen to him or her. Let them talk by their heart. They will feel some kind of absent-minded but you will have to let it go and let them talk. When they feel tiredness let them sleep. They can sleep probably for long hours but let them sleep. No worries at all. It is the best medicine they can ever take for depression. In last find them a hobby or something to do in their leisure time. You should not leave them idle. They should spend time doing something. If they had nothing to do they should do house chores like cleaning, dusting, cooking, etc. they will definitely find some quality time doing these kinds of chores as well.

Health and Fitness Mental Health    There are many cures but I will share my personal experience to fight depression. I personally have fought with depression and successfully failed the depression. It is a disease and I took proper medicine. My medicine included good quality time with family and second was my sewing machine, Yes you read right my sewing machine is my killer medicine who is very helpful for me to fight depression.

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Health and Fitness Mental Health
I take my sewing machine and find some interesting designs on the internet and trying them with scrap or old clothing pieces because not everybody can afford to have new clothes all the time. I created so many useful new things from old clothes. O
n the internet I found so many fun projects to do and to make like clothes colors with old clothes stuffing for my niece. She always wanted to chew her toys so I make her the toys she can chew.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
I had my sister’s invitation card so I found a project with cloth and cardboard. I used the cards from my sister’s wedding and old cloth to make a house bag for my other niece. She was super excited to see and store her stuff in that house bag.
 I spent time with my sewing machine so much and then I realized I am not depressed anymore. One day I was just browsing a shopping site and found so many interesting sewing machines there. I just wanted one new machine and I ordered from there. I just loved my mini sewing machine which I found on an online platform and immediately fell in love and purchased.

    I also saw some different beauties online which were so comfortable to work with and easy to handle, I know many of you are beginners and just do not know how to use a sewing machine so here is my list of recommended sewing machines just go through and select according to your choice and needs. I am listing my three favorite online items that I would have loved to buy.




    The sewing machine is a powerful tool to fight back depression. I just found an online scholar article on it as well. Then I realized the reason that I was not depressed anymore. I love my life with full joy and happiness. You can also enjoy your life at its full. Have faith and pray. Don’t lose hope. You will be okay one day. Amen.

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What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

   Here you will find amazing  Health and Fitness Articles  and best  Health and Fitness Tips   What should I do for better sleep? Sle...