Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Priorities your health and fitness || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Priorities your health and fitness


    Health and fitness are not just words with several meanings. These both terms are not only meant to lose weight but to maintain the weight. It is not all about eating healthy and avoiding junk food. It’s all about managing and carrying a lifestyle throughout years and years. One should priorities his or her health on behalf of his or her future. One should aim high to achieve the target to be healthy and for after ten years. One should set a goal to look 10 years younger than the actual number. Then you can say happily and smiling that age is just a number.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

     To get healthy and fit you should avoid junk food and eat homemade healthy fresh meals. Junk food not only carries tons of calories but also carries chemicals and harmful ingredients. Health and fitness is an interesting journey to travel and to reach to the destiny. Health and fitness requires passion to enjoy the moments when you feel energized after workout.

     Health and fitness is a lifestyle. You have to manage it and carry along with you all the time. You cannot cheat. One should have a strong personality grooming or development mind set to achieve this kind of hard goal. It is highly addicted dilemma nowadays. But the end results are fascinating and mesmerizing. But do you know an interesting? This journey never ends but you will get continuous feed back and reviews from all over the world. You can become an inspiration. You can be a role model because only strong people can afford to be healthy and fit. Health and fitness is not a gambling kind of game. It’s like chess, you have to move smart. You have to trick your mind and heart both to become healthy and fit and satisfied and healthy at the same time.

     Prioritizing your health is not a myth anymore. You can achieve this by following only few steps. The steps are very simple and easy to follow and understand.


Avoid junk food: Avoid junk food as much as possible. Junk food is a slow poison for body and we take it happily. It really kills the appetite and it is failed to provide the complete nutritional value to the body.


2.   Walk: Walk on an empty stomach and make it a habit which you have to follow on daily basis. Fix a time and walk on the same time to get health and fitness. Walk helps improve digestion system as well as it helps in constipation as well. It has so much health benefits that you cannot count on fingers. The walk makes you slim and can help you burn extra calories if you are carrying any.


3.    Exercise: make an exercise habit. Do stretch your arms and legs because if you do not stretch your body to an extent of limit, eventually you will lose the elasticity of your body.


4.   Positive vibes only: Keep calm and have faith and hopes. Draw a positive space around yourself so that not only you but other people will also be inspired. You only have to think positive and the puzzles of your life will be solved automatically. Be happy and let positive vibes do rest of the work.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.


5.   Polite: Be polite and get rid of anger. Anger is your biggest enemy. When you get angry, you shout. When you shout, your body is stressed. And stressing is really dangerous. You can grow different diseases in your body only with anger. Learn anger management skills and you will be able to tackle your anger and can get rid of the expected diseases.


6.   Groom yourself: Make sure you spend some quality time with yourself. It is so important to groom yourself. You have to live in this society. Develop a personality that inspires many. You have to be the one you always wanted to be. Groom yourself and get ready to be known for some good vibes.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

7.   Go natural: Avoid using chemicals in your daily to daily usage. Try to go natural. Try to eat fresh vegetables and meat. Do not over freeze any meal. Cook daily and eat fresh. Do not surround yourself with so much machines or robots. Do some hard work. So that you can also be in form. Do not use excessive amount of chemical based products for your skin and body. Use only those which suit you. Always consult your dermatologist if you found any bad changes in your body or skin.


8.   Avoid overeating: Eat when you are starving badly. Yes you read it right. You should eat when you are starving, do not eat without feeling hungry. When you are starving eat slowly. Chew properly. And then leave when some hunger is left. Do not fill your stomach completely. It is a very bad situation when you fill your stomach full. It is the sign of greediness. Try not to eat so much. Try to avoid overeating.


9.   Be happy: Always be happy and smile. Wear a smile every day and anywhere. Happiness is to share your life with someone dear to you. Spend time with family and friends and you will automatically feel a difference in your life. Your will feel more blessed and your will feel happiness dancing around you. Humans are evolved with the passage of time but you have to go back to the past and start developing relationships like they were before a decade or two ago. Build strong relationships and your feel happiness.


10. Keep yourself busy: keep yourself busy because it is the greatest blessing of GOD to have a chore to do. Give your hundred percent and dedicate yourself for the work. Some day you will be appreciated for your hard work and that would be an achievement. You will win hearts and it would be a great reward for all the hard work you do.


Follow all ten steps mentioned above and you will see the improvements in your health. You are the one who priorities your health and have concerns about can own health. No one cares about you. You have to take care of yourself. So, invest some time on your own self and then see the results.

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Dry weather: your skin needs your attention || Heath and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Dry weather: your skin needs your attention


Heath and Fitness

The new weather is in our town. Yay! It's superb. But the weather is so dry and we cannot figure out a way to handle it properly. Use proper precautions to prevent yourself from the deadly effects of this dry weather.


Here is a checklist of precautionary measures. 


Heath and Fitness
1)   Hydrate your skin:

     Drink enough water to hydrate your skin from inside and outside as well. It is really important to self analyze your condition and take proper precautionary measures accordingly. You do not need to take tons of water. Instead, you only require according to your thrust. If you don't like consuming so much water. Take juices or sharbat, lemonade etc. It will immediately boost your energy as they all contain vital energy content. 


Heath and Fitness
2)   Nourish your skin:
     Nourishing your skin with a good quality lotion or skin cream is a brilliant idea. The amount should not be excessive for your needs. Just apply a generous amount of cream or lotion to your skin and enjoy. The cream or lotion makes your skin smooth and reduces the signs of aging. Wrinkles will be late if you will use the proper lotion or cream.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.


Heath and Fitness
3)   Do not itch:

     Dehydration causes itching. The itching causes rashes and makes your skin ugly and wrinkled. To avoid such situations do not itch so rigidly. Itch a little and then leave. Try to apply some itching cream on your skin if it converts into rashes do consult a dermatologist. Remember itching is a disease, do take it seriously.


Heath and Fitness
4)   Hygiene:

     Take a bath on daily basis. Maintain proper hygiene. Avoid sweating. Change clothes on daily basis. Wear comfortable clothes and cover yourself fully. Do not wear short or fitted clothes. Short clothes create so many problems. Cover yourself properly. Fitted clothes create sweating and breathe issues. Keep yourself comfortable.


Heath and Fitness
5)   Health maintenance:

     Take good care of your health. It’s a full time job. You have to keep track of your sugar level, blood pressure, headaches, joint aches etc. Eat a balanced diet and take healthy drinks. Have some fresh air. Take holidays and give yourself some space and time. Personalize that time and have fun with yourself.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.


Heath and Fitness
6)   Keep Calm:

     Do not get angry. Anger is your enemy. It takes out whole energy. You have to be positive and keep calm because life is too short to be angry. Learn some anger management techniques and apply them accordingly. Make positivity your motto and lifestyle. Surround yourself with positive vibes only.


Heath and Fitness
 7)   Rest:
      Take rest as much as you get time to rest. Make resting your full-time hobby. Taking proper rest under roof of your comfy home sweet home is a luxury which anybody can afford easily. I would love to nap after every tiring job and whenever I get some minutes of relaxation. 


Heath and Fitness

Your skin is the dress God has gifted you and you have to take care of your dress properly. Beautiful skins age late. Give yourself some time, space, and joy. It will cost nothing but some attention. But the after results are mesmerizing and unbelievable. You will shock the whole world by telling a number which is called age only if you take good care of your skin.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Our polluted mind set is killing us || Mental Health || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Our polluted mindset is killing us

Health and Fitness Mental Health

    We are taking breathe in a polluted environment. The environment is not only polluted by means of air, land and water. It is also polluted by means of our daily chores and the way of living we follow.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
The lifestyle is taking away our peace of mind and hence we have negative impact of everything we own. We have lavish houses with all the luxuries we can imagine. We have power to buy things once we used to dreamt for. We have cats to roam around without bothering about waiting for public transport. We are more independent as we used to be once in our lifetime.

But but but we lack inner satisfaction. We lack curiosity. We lack excitement. We lack happiness. We lack smiles. We lack loud tension free laughs and giggles. We lack the peace of mind. We lack in every important aspect of life and we think we have everything. 

I remember a time when I always stitch my dress on nights and happily wear it next morning. Now that joy has been vanished. Basically it is the mind set and lifestyle we are following is really polluted and it is killing us each and every second. When number of brands was lesser we used to feel rich nowadays everyone wears a brand and field poor while purchasing from sale. Nowadays its a luxury to buy without sale. 

Health and Fitness Mental Health
The food we eat is no more associated with hunger. It is associated with Instagram and Facebook likes. The Biryani was a shahi dish in our childhood and only special occasions and weekends can be considered to cook biryani. But now you can find multiple restaurant and shops for biryani selling without taste and without occasion and it has killed the joy if eating. Every meal should be associated with a joyful moment but you can find anything anytime nowadays. I remember clearly for cold drinks we had to wait for someone's wedding ceremony to take place or for Eid day because we can only afford cold drinks on special occasions.
We have definitely created out own spaces with multiple disorders. We don't get health because our mind set is polluted. Get healthy mind and clean it first. Spend time with family, cook at home, feel comfortable, don't hesitate to convey your message, don't put anything in your heart, do small things to come closer to family.

    Family is happiness. Family is love. Family can conquer any war fought together with love and compassion. The family is your tool to get positive vibes and clean your polluted mind set. Have faith and pray. God bless you Amen.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Simplest Solution for depression|| Mental Health || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

 The Simplest Solution for depression


Health and Fitness Mental Health

    It is hard to smile when you lack inner peace. It is hard to talk when you feel lonely. It's hard to believe that you belong to the world when you have no one to trust. The restless nights and nights with nightmares realized us we are not normal and we do not belong to this world. we should go away and run away from this world. All this kind of hatred and negativity comes to our mind when we are depressed so much.


Health and Fitness Mental Health
  Depression let you feel like you are trapped in so much pain. The pain is just unbearable and you are unable to take breathe. You can not feel the fresh air, you cannot walk properly. You are unable to sleep and smile. You are even unable to talk properly. You fear people. You do not want to face the world. 

Health and Fitness Mental Health

    Depression has become a very big problem in society nowadays. It has a severe negative impact on one’s life. People cannot take it and cannot fight with it alone. They feel pressured by family, friends, relatives, and all the society to fight depression, which they can do, but that is impossible without help. Yes, you read right absolutely right without help no one can fight back with depression. It’s a severe disease and you cannot fight alone. You must have an army to fight back.

    The army to fight depression must cover every relation you own. It should include your family, relatives, friends, colleagues, and society members as well. They all should fight with you and don’t feel you let down and thrown alone.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Health and Fitness Mental Health

    First, you have to find out the person who is diagnosed with depression. Next, you all have to understand that it is just a disease and nothing else. It is only a mental illness and it can be cured. You have to make believe the depressed person that he or she can be normal like any other person. And they can also live a healthy and happy life. Everything can be normalized and they can get back to life.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
    First, you have to spend time with the depressed person. Then you have to listen to him or her. Let them talk by their heart. They will feel some kind of absent-minded but you will have to let it go and let them talk. When they feel tiredness let them sleep. They can sleep probably for long hours but let them sleep. No worries at all. It is the best medicine they can ever take for depression. In last find them a hobby or something to do in their leisure time. You should not leave them idle. They should spend time doing something. If they had nothing to do they should do house chores like cleaning, dusting, cooking, etc. they will definitely find some quality time doing these kinds of chores as well.

Health and Fitness Mental Health    There are many cures but I will share my personal experience to fight depression. I personally have fought with depression and successfully failed the depression. It is a disease and I took proper medicine. My medicine included good quality time with family and second was my sewing machine, Yes you read right my sewing machine is my killer medicine who is very helpful for me to fight depression.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
I take my sewing machine and find some interesting designs on the internet and trying them with scrap or old clothing pieces because not everybody can afford to have new clothes all the time. I created so many useful new things from old clothes. O
n the internet I found so many fun projects to do and to make like clothes colors with old clothes stuffing for my niece. She always wanted to chew her toys so I make her the toys she can chew.

Health and Fitness Mental Health
I had my sister’s invitation card so I found a project with cloth and cardboard. I used the cards from my sister’s wedding and old cloth to make a house bag for my other niece. She was super excited to see and store her stuff in that house bag.
 I spent time with my sewing machine so much and then I realized I am not depressed anymore. One day I was just browsing a shopping site and found so many interesting sewing machines there. I just wanted one new machine and I ordered from there. I just loved my mini sewing machine which I found on an online platform and immediately fell in love and purchased.

    I also saw some different beauties online which were so comfortable to work with and easy to handle, I know many of you are beginners and just do not know how to use a sewing machine so here is my list of recommended sewing machines just go through and select according to your choice and needs. I am listing my three favorite online items that I would have loved to buy.




    The sewing machine is a powerful tool to fight back depression. I just found an online scholar article on it as well. Then I realized the reason that I was not depressed anymore. I love my life with full joy and happiness. You can also enjoy your life at its full. Have faith and pray. Don’t lose hope. You will be okay one day. Amen.

Here you will find amazing Health and Fitness Articles and Best Health and Fitness Tips.

What should I do for better sleep? || Health and Fitness Articles || Health and Fitness Tips

   Here you will find amazing  Health and Fitness Articles  and best  Health and Fitness Tips   What should I do for better sleep? Sle...